Overcoming The Power Of Perfection

Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” - Harry S. Truman.png

One of my favorite quotes, “Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” - Harry S. Truman

I am a total perfectionist. Like major OCD crazy obsessed perfectionist. Not my favorite trait. All too often I get in my own way and won’t begin a passion project because of the fear of it not being perfect. The truth is— perfectionism is really just self sabotage.

Convincing ourselves that we need things to be perfect is often a way to put off the things we are afraid of. If you don’t begin you won’t fail, right? No. Not taking the plunge and just beginning is the biggest failure (IMO).

So how do we fight the pressure to be perfect? Here are my top 3 tips to help overcome perfection:

Recognize perfectionism. It took me a long time to actually come to terms with the fact that I was a perfectionist. I knew it and I often said it… but never did I admit it was a success block. Perfectionism can add stress and overwhelm. We get enough of that, don’t you think?

Strive for progress not perfection. Progress seems to be a buzzword lately but making healthy progress and not obsessing over perfection is so important. Try this— make a list of all of the progress you’ve made towards a specific goal. Shift your perspective and focus on what you have accomplished. Seeing progress will boost confidence and give you the perseverance to keep pushing.

Just LAUNCH. PRESS SEND. APPLY FOR THE JOB. GO FOR IT. If you wait until things are perfect you’ll never do it. It’s terrifying especially for a perfectionist— trust me I know. I get anxiety before I put something out there. The truth is the anxiety disappears after it’s out there. Just go after what you want and it’ll fall into place. Ask yourself, “What is the worst that’s going to happen?” Someone may not like it? You won’t get the call? You’ll have to get another job? Whatever it may be it’s not the end of the world.

What steps do you take daily to fight perfectionism?

x, Nicole