Smudging Basics 101

Smudging is one of my favorite tools for feeling grounded, positive, calm and refreshed.

While there are about a million ways to clear your energy, one of my favorite ways is to actually clear my space and physical energy. Enter, the smudge stick.

So what are the ideal (or in some case pretty damn necessary) times to smudge your space? Or yourself?

When you move into a new space. Or buy new furniture.

Recently my husband and I bought new furniture, painted and really put in some upgrades to our space. It was such an up-leveling feeling that I wanted to let go of the old energy that was there before. Fresh start!

When you start a new job, or launch a new business!

Perhaps one of the most exciting times in our lives. You know that feeling when you finally leave a job you hate? Or finally start your dream business? Amazing right? Well that also means the negative or fearful feelings you had before can be lingering in your house. Smudge your home to welcome your new beginning with love and confidence.

After a guest enters your home.

Has anyone ever entered your home and when they leave you feel like you just had the life sucked out of you? Same. Smudge when a guest leaves to ensure their energy leaves with them.

Before/after yoga or meditation.

I seriously have the BEST mediations when I smudge. It's like I'm in a bubble of protected energy. The smell really does open the senses and clear the mind. It instantly calms my anxiety-- like a holistic Xanax.

Are you into smudging? What's your favorite way to clear your space?

