Does It Spark Joy?

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Have you read Marie Kondo's, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing" or perhaps watched the Netflix special, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo? Well then you must be familiar with this organization queen and so soothing to me woman. Seriously something about her puts me at ease. I love it.

Well if you haven't watched the special or read the book, do yourself a favor and add it to your weekend to-do list. It will change your life, I promise.

Her philosophy, "Does it spark joy?" is something she encourages people to ask themselves when de-cluttering. When I read the book and watched the series, I was fairly proud of myself (having a pat myself on the back moment) because I was already doing all of these things. I am not a very sentimental person by nature. I don't like to hold on to too many items. I have no problem adding clothes to the donate pile and I've always folded my shirts the way she teaches. (Try it, so efficient) Even though I was already doing these things, I took one HUGE lesson from Marie Kondo.

Does it spark joy?

We ask ourselves this question when decluttering, right? Well I thought to myself while reading, "What if we did this in every aspect of life?" Would filtering our lives this way makes us feel happy and remove the things that don’t?

Areas where this could apply: relationships, personal thoughts, your job, what we put in our bodies, an over-scheduled calendar, spending/saving money, committing ourselves to social events, seeing people that don't make us feel good... the list goes on and on. I encourage you to ask yourself, "Does it spark joy?" in several areas of your life. If it doesn't feel good to commit to a social gathering, don't. If it makes you happy when you drink a green juice or work out-- do more of that. If having upgrading your spa appointment makes you feel great, add the extra long massage, girlfriend. I encourage you to know when to say no, know when to do something for yourself, and know what makes you FEEL good.

Let me know how it feels.

