6 Foods For Glowing Skin

We all know I'm obsessed with skin. Like I think about it ALL OF THE TIME. Skin is in, people. What we put IN our body is just as important as what we put ON our body. It's time to discuss.

I am currently on a skin detox kick. Between my green juice, my obsessive skin care routine, and my vitamin intake I am on a damn MISSION to clear up my skin. I have PCOS, which can cause break-outs out of the blue and after a couple of months of break outs I am working on getting the glow back!

I haven't always been so kind to my body. I've been working on nourishing my body from the inside out and focusing on my skin helps me do so. For example, I'll look at acne on my face and can pin point, "Is this from something I ate? What is stressing me out? Is my liver holding on to toxins?" What is happening on our skin is an indicator of what is happening in our bodies. So when I have a plate of pasta and two Hendricks Gin Martinis too often, my skin shows it.

Let's break down 6 foods that help keep our skin clear and glowy.


Do you remember every movie ever when the women is in a spa and she has cucumbers on her face? I've never actually been to a spa where this is a provided in the service, because let's be real, my brain moves to fast to lay there with cucumbers on my eyes. However, I LOVE adding cucumber into my diet or into a green juice for it's major hydration benefits.

When applied topically cucumbers can sooth burns, reduce swelling and aid in healing dermatitis. It's been a huge help with my eczema. They are the same pH as the skin, so they do so much for nourishing our skin health. Cucumber is rich in fibers and contains minerals like magnesium, silica, and potassium. All major for the digestive system and calming your energy. Hence why I have cucumber juice daily. I always add it to my favorite #TGAglowinggreenguice#TGAglowinggreenguice (you can view the recipe here) Cucumber juice is thus filled with silica, which helps improve the health and complexion of the skin.

Leafy Greens

Probably a surprise to no one, leafy greens are rich with chlorophyll (a blood “cleaner”), vitamin c, iron, fiber, and alkalizing to the body. Have you tried the #TGAlkalizinggreenjuice#TGAlkalizinggreenjuice? Greens are highly anti-oxidative to the body, which keep your risk of inflammation, cancer, heart disease, and other major illnesses low. Leafy greens are filled with so many vitamin and minerals that are great for out internal organs but also do WONDERS for our skin. Veggies like spinach and kale all have high water content and antioxidants to keep skin hydrated. And, when skin is properly hydrated, elasticity improves.

Sweet Potato

I have have a real sweet potato obsession. I can add them to just about anything and think it tastes amazing. This root vegetable is full of antioxidants and vitamin C. Sweet potatoes also have vitamin A and are rich in collagen. This makes them IDEAL for the skin They can give you a golden hue in your skin, so no need for a tan. It can also decrease sensitivity to the sun so you may not be as sensitive to UV rays. My kind of vegetable.


Lemons are a natural skin purifier. They have high levels of antioxidants and can alkalize the body, which reduces inflammation. #TGAtip. add the rind of the lemon to your smoothie. That's where the rich vitamin C lies. I usually juice a lemon in my green juice and then add the rind that's left in the pulp to my smoothie. The Vitamix blends it right up!


I have a love affair with celery. I CAN NOT say enough amazing things about the way a daily celery juice has CHANGED my life. I need to do a whole other post on that. Celery is particularly good for skin because it reduces dehydration. Drinking celery juice is another way to get the nutrients straight into your system. First thing in the morning and you're instantly refreshed and hydrated.


I think we all know that a dose of healthy fats does wonders for our bodies, right? I eat a bit of avocado a day. I love with my lunch to keep me fueled during the work day. They are rich with potassium, healthy fat, and dietary fiber. They are loaded with vitamin C and E, which are essential for supporting collagen production and helping with skin elasticity.

I am super serious about skin health. Are you as passionate about it as I am? Share your favorite skin secrets below. I'm going to Vegas in June to a wellness and skin seminar. Make sure to follow along on Instagram so I can share all of the tips and tricks! Talk soon!

x, Nicole