Dreams Over Drama: How To Say Goodbye To Your Drama and Unpack The Life You Deserve

Your story, what is it? You know what I'm talking about. The past. The thing that has happened to you that is stopping you from pursuing the life you want. Your drama.

I sat down for a reiki appointment about a year ago. We'll get into why in another blog post. I started to talk and instantly the practitioner told me she knew why I was really there. It was like my past came spewing out of my mouth when I didn't intend for it to. I was holding on to every event. Everything that had happened to me. I was holding onto my drama. That's just what it was too-- drama.

Our subconscious is such an interesting thing. There's usually something-- a distinct memory, an event, childhood trauma, you name it... that tells us we aren't worthy of what we want. Whether it's in relationships, asking for a raise, a promotion or launching our business. It's drama. It's the reality TV show of our life that stops us from our dream. Everything that scared me about launching businesses and putting myself out there was tied to an event. It was tied to my drama.

It wasn't until I recognized that, said it out loud and then re-wrote my story that I was able to choose my dreams over my drama. A few things that helped me:

1. Talking. Owning your story. You either own what's happened to you, or let it own you. Talking about it is so powerful. Saying things aloud takes energy. It's a way to expel the energy of the drama and release it from your body. Whether it be talking to your s/o, a friend, therapist or even a stranger, it's time to release that drama.

2. Writing forgiveness letters. This was the most powerful for me. I'm a writer by nature, always have been. Something about releasing thoughts onto paper is so therapeutic. Again, energy out. Whether it be a forgiveness letter to yourself, or someone who has wronged you-- they are so POWERFUL. A letter to yourself can help you heal from allowing yourself to let your drama hold power over you. You don't have to send these letters, but taking action and forgiving can heal the drama and help you reach your dreams.

3. Taking action. Even if you don't feel quite healed from your drama, take action. Create content. Apply for jobs. Put yourself out there. The more you take action, even if it feels mindless, the more you put out into the universe that you are ready for your dreams over your drama.

I hope this helps you on your journey to heal your old drama. Dreams over the past, babe.

