Stop Saying That You Don't Have Time


I don’t have time. This saying makes me crazy. Like I roll my eyes every time I hear someone say it.

Want to know secret? I used to say it too.

I don’t have time.

I don’t have time to read.

I don’t have time to meditate.

I don’t have time to work out.

I don’t have time to start a business.

Here is the secret:

You have time for what you MAKE time for.

A couple of years ago I was at work, exhausted and still had a few hours left in my day. If you don’t know, I’m a licenced cosmetologist, so along with having to be creative and give clients the best service, I have to be ON. It’s an experience, you know? I thought I was going to passed out. I was so shaky and tired. Why? “I didn’t have time to eat.” Keep in mind, I’m the talent and the CEO. I make the rules. I’d have plans to read at home. Work on my online business. Meditate. Spend time with my husband. I couldn’t do any of it successfully— because I said I didn’t have time.

Truth is I didn’t make the time. I didn’t make any of it a priority. I read something somewhere one day and it just clicked. Stop saying you don’t have time. Instead say, “This isn’t a priority right now”. See how that makes you feel. Why wasn’t I making my health a priority? Or my mental wellness? My business?

How to shift your time perspective:

Use your 24 hours wisely. Schedule it. Schedule your workout. Schedule 30 minutes in your day to read. Schedule your lunch. 30 minutes to work on your business. Small spurts of time will have big outcomes. Just do a little bit each day— and it will all start to happen. For example, I wake up earlier because it’s a priority to me to ease into my morning. I like to have my lemon water, glowing coffee and meditate before my workout. Do you really think JLo has more hours in her day than you? (Don’t say she has a team to do things for her. She’s STILL busier than all of us lol. Like how are you acting, singing, keeping abs and pulling a Benjamin Button? Whether you have help or not, you have a choice to make the time.)

Stop apologizing for taking the time. I used to apologize if a client walked in when they were early and I had a bite of a protein bar in my mouth. Why the hell was I apologizing for eating? It’s OKAY to say no to people. It’s okay to take time for yourself and it is okay to work on the things that are important to you. When you are using your time wisely, you can set expectations for how your time is going to be spent— and not feel bad about it. Set those boundaries, babe.

Stop saying “I have to” and say “I get to” No one likes to do chores. YAWN. What if we changed our perspective to leading with gratitude. I get to workout. So many aren’t able. I get to clean my home. I have a home to take care of. I get to wash my face. Because youthful skin is a mother f-ing priority. 😂 I used to think I didn’t have time to write. I own another business, and am in charge of ALL aspects of it. I’m married. I’m busy, right? Well I changed my perspective and lead with the gratitude that I have a voice and know I have things to say that women need to hear. So I carved out the time, every day.

What will you be making time for? How will you make time your priority?

x, Nicole