Why Motivation Is Bullshit.


Have you ever wanted something so badly and then just--- didn't do it? Really annoying that we do that to ourselves, right? But we do it all of the time. Why? Because we aren't motivated.

The story I once wrote in my head is that I need to find the motivation. Someone once told me, "Motivation is a feeling. Feelings pass. Commitments and consistency are actions. Take action." We are committed to so much in our lives. Things that we don't look to "motivation" for. I am encouraging you today to focus on making commitments over counting on ‘feeling like it.’

You don’t always feel like brushing your teeth when you are tired, do you? But you do. You’re committed to a healthy smile. You don't always feel like washing your face, do you? But you do. Or you better, at least. You are committed to newborn baby skin. You don’t treat your marriage as something you stick to on just the days where it’s easy, right? You don’t wake up and think, hmmm, I don’t feel like being married today so I'm going to talk to some hot dudes! No. You are committed to that man (or woman!) even on the days you think they're annoying as hell.

Motivation passes. It's an emotion. Just like fear or excitement. COMMIT to being the woman you want to be.

Treat every choice just like those commitments. It has nothing to do with motivation and everything to do with your commitment to yourself.

What I like to do when my drive is low, is focus on my purpose. Your purpose will ignite your passion.

Pretend you are at a party and you are ready to go, but your girlfriends want you to stay.

Rally, girl.

Commit to yourself.

x, Nicole