New Year Intentions + Printable Worksheets

I love NYE. The champagne, the reflecting on the previous year and the setting intentions for the year to come. I love to set goals all year long, so I use these worksheets throughout the entire year. You don’t need a new year to make a change, set a goal or new intentions, but it is a great time for a fresh start.


First let me explain: Intentions vs. Resolutions. Resolutions seem to focus only on the outcome, not the journey. Intentions are more inviting. Intentions ask us to look deep inside and work on being the best most glowing versions of ourselves.

I love to do things digitally, but like I’ve said before, there is something about releasing the energy and moving your thoughts onto paper. I print out these worksheets and place them where I can see them, that way I can be reminded of the things I have intended for myself and check things off of the list.

The first sheet is meant for you to write down all of your goals. Goals in every aspect of your life. Everything from spiritual to physical, your personal relationships and your career goals. Be as specific as possible.

The next sheet is for your intentions. In the first column, you write your intentions. For Example, a common intention is “lose 20 lbs”. It’s specific. Next you’ll write the solution. In order to solve the issue of weight loss, what will you do? Move more, eat healthier, right? So then in the action column you’ll write the actions that you’ll take to achieve the intention you’ve set for yourself. Move 5x a week? Order a meal delivery service? After— check that sh*t off your list, congrats! You’ve done it.

The last sheet is my favorite. The do more of this and less of this sheet. Things you want to quit, things you want to start, what you want to learn and try and have… and what you need to cut out to get there. What do you need to do more and less of to be the woman you want to be?

Print the worksheets below and share your resolutions using #TGAintentions


Nicole Hovlik